Risk and Warning Policy

Our mission at Uncommon Education Trading is to provide educational resources and training to help individuals learn about day trading. It is important to understand that while we offer educational content and strategies, trading in the stock market involves substantial risk. This policy outlines these risks and clarifies our role in your trading journey.

General Disclaimer:
1. Educational Purpose Only: The content provided by Uncommon Education Trading is for educational purposes only. We do not offer personalized investment advice or make investment recommendations.

2. No Guarantees: While our courses and materials are designed to help you understand trading concepts, we cannot guarantee any specific outcomes or profitability. Trading involves inherent risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

Trading Risks:
1. Market Risk: The stock market is volatile and can fluctuate significantly. There is always the potential for loss, and you may lose some or all of your invested capital.

2. Leverage Risk: Using leverage can amplify both gains and losses. It is crucial to understand how leverage works and the risks involved.

3. Emotional Risk: Trading can be stressful and may lead to emotional decisions that can affect trading outcomes. Maintaining discipline and a clear strategy is essential.

Personal Responsibility:
1. Individual Assessment: It is your responsibility to evaluate your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before engaging in any trading activities.

2. Independent Decision-Making: All trading decisions are made at your own risk. Uncommon Education Trading is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of trading decisions.

3. Due Diligence: We encourage you to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any trades. Utilize multiple sources of information and consider seeking advice from a licensed financial advisor.

Liability Limitation:
1. No Liability: Uncommon Education Trading and its employees, affiliates, or partners are not liable for any financial losses or damages that may result from the use of our educational materials and training programs.

2. User Agreement: By using our services, you agree to assume full responsibility for your trading activities and acknowledge that you understand the risks involved.

Additional Disclosures:
1. Affiliations: We may have partnerships or affiliations with third-party service providers. Any such relationships will be disclosed, and you are encouraged to review their terms and policies.

2. Changes to Policy: This Risk and Warning Policy may be updated periodically. We will notify you of any changes, and it is your responsibility to review these updates.

Trading in the stock market is inherently risky, and it is important to proceed with caution. Uncommon Education Trading is dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and tools to make informed trading decisions, but ultimately, the responsibility for trading outcomes rests with you.

For any questions or further clarifications, please contact our support team at social@uncommoneducationtrading.com